This test checks completion related to aliases. -- flags -- -ignore_extra_diags -min_go=go1.24 -- aliases.go -- package aliases // Copied from the old builtins.go, which has been ported to the new marker tests. /* string */ //@item(string, "string", "", "type") /* int */ //@item(int, "int", "", "type") /* float32 */ //@item(float32, "float32", "", "type") /* float64 */ //@item(float64, "float64", "", "type") type p struct{} type s[a int | string] = p func _() { s[]{} //@rank("]", int, float64) } func takesGeneric[a int | string](s[a]) { "s[a]{}" //@item(tpInScopeLit, "s[a]{}", "", "var") takesGeneric() //@rank(")", tpInScopeLit),snippet(")", tpInScopeLit, "s[a]{\\}") } type myType int //@item(flType, "myType", "int", "type") type myt[T int] myType //@item(aflType, "myt[T]", "int", "type") func (my myt) _() {} //@complete(") _", flType, aflType)