This test exercises deep completion. -- settings.json -- { "completeUnimported": false, "matcher": "caseInsensitive" } -- flags -- -ignore_extra_diags -- go.mod -- module go 1.18 -- deep/deep.go -- package deep import "context" type deepA struct { b deepB //@item(deepBField, "b", "deepB", "field") } type deepB struct { } func wantsDeepB(deepB) {} func _() { var a deepA //@item(deepAVar, "a", "deepA", "var") a.b //@item(deepABField, "a.b", "deepB", "field") wantsDeepB(a) //@complete(")", deepABField, deepAVar) deepA{a} //@snippet("}", deepABField, "a.b") } func wantsContext(context.Context) {} func _() { context.Background() //@item(ctxBackground, "context.Background", "func() context.Context", "func", "Background returns a non-nil, empty Context.") context.TODO() //@item(ctxTODO, "context.TODO", "func() context.Context", "func", "TODO returns a non-nil, empty Context.") wantsContext(c) //@rank(")", ctxBackground),rank(")", ctxTODO) } func _() { var cork struct{ err error } cork.err //@item(deepCorkErr, "cork.err", "error", "field") context //@item(deepContextPkg, "context", "\"context\"", "package") var _ error = co // rank(" //", deepCorkErr, deepContextPkg) } func _() { // deepCircle is circular. type deepCircle struct { *deepCircle } var circle deepCircle //@item(deepCircle, "circle", "deepCircle", "var") circle.deepCircle //@item(deepCircleField, "circle.deepCircle", "*deepCircle", "field") var _ deepCircle = circ //@complete(" //", deepCircle, deepCircleField),snippet(" //", deepCircleField, "*circle.deepCircle") } func _() { type deepEmbedC struct { } type deepEmbedB struct { deepEmbedC } type deepEmbedA struct { deepEmbedB } wantsC := func(deepEmbedC) {} var a deepEmbedA //@item(deepEmbedA, "a", "deepEmbedA", "var") a.deepEmbedB //@item(deepEmbedB, "a.deepEmbedB", "deepEmbedB", "field") a.deepEmbedC //@item(deepEmbedC, "a.deepEmbedC", "deepEmbedC", "field") wantsC(a) //@complete(")", deepEmbedC, deepEmbedA, deepEmbedB) } func _() { type nested struct { a int n *nested //@item(deepNestedField, "n", "*nested", "field") } nested{ a: 123, //@complete(" //", deepNestedField) } } func _() { var a struct { b struct { c int } d int } a.d //@item(deepAD, "a.d", "int", "field") a.b.c //@item(deepABC, "a.b.c", "int", "field") a.b //@item(deepAB, "a.b", "struct{...}", "field") a //@item(deepA, "a", "struct{...}", "var") // "a.d" should be ranked above the deeper "a.b.c" var i int i = a //@complete(" //", deepAD, deepABC, deepA, deepAB) }