This test checks basic completion snippet support. -- flags -- -ignore_extra_diags -- go.mod -- module -- snippet.go -- package snippets // Pre-set this marker, as we don't have a "source" for it in this package. // The comment is used to create a synthetic completion item. // // TODO(rfindley): allow completion markers to refer to ad-hoc items inline, // without this trick. /* Error() */ //@item(Error, "Error", "func() string", "method") type AliasType = int //@item(sigAliasType, "AliasType", "AliasType", "type") func foo(i int, b bool) {} //@item(snipFoo, "foo", "func(i int, b bool)", "func") func bar(fn func()) func() {} //@item(snipBar, "bar", "func(fn func())", "func") func baz(at AliasType, b bool) {} //@item(snipBaz, "baz", "func(at AliasType, b bool)", "func") type Foo struct { Bar int //@item(snipFieldBar, "Bar", "int", "field") Func func(at AliasType) error //@item(snipFieldFunc, "Func", "func(at AliasType) error", "field") } func (Foo) Baz() func() {} //@item(snipMethodBaz, "Baz", "func() func()", "method") func (Foo) BazBar() func() {} //@item(snipMethodBazBar, "BazBar", "func() func()", "method") func (Foo) BazBaz(at AliasType) func() {} //@item(snipMethodBazBaz, "BazBaz", "func(at AliasType) func()", "method") func _() { f //@snippet(" //", snipFoo, "foo(${1:})") bar //@snippet(" //", snipBar, "bar(${1:})") baz //@snippet(" //", snipBaz, "baz(${1:})") baz() //@signature("(", "baz(at AliasType, b bool)", 0) bar(nil) //@snippet("(", snipBar, "bar") bar(ba) //@snippet(")", snipBar, "bar(${1:})") var f Foo bar(f.Ba) //@snippet(")", snipMethodBaz, "Baz()") (bar)(nil) //@snippet(")", snipBar, "bar(${1:})") (f.Ba)() //@snippet(")", snipMethodBaz, "Baz()") Foo{ B //@snippet(" //", snipFieldBar, "Bar: ${1:},") } Foo{ F //@snippet(" //", snipFieldFunc, "Func: ${1:},") } Foo{B} //@snippet("}", snipFieldBar, "Bar: ${1:}") Foo{} //@snippet("}", snipFieldBar, "Bar: ${1:}") Foo{Foo{}.B} //@snippet("} ", snipFieldBar, "Bar") var err error err.Error() //@snippet("E", Error, "Error()") f.Baz() //@snippet("B", snipMethodBaz, "Baz()") f.Baz() //@snippet("(", snipMethodBazBar, "BazBar") f.Baz() //@snippet("B", snipMethodBazBaz, "BazBaz(${1:})") } func _() { type bar struct { a int b float64 //@item(snipBarB, "b", "float64") } bar{b} //@snippet("}", snipBarB, "b: ${1:}") }