This test checks basic completion snippet support, using placeholders. Unlike the old marker tests, the new marker tests assume static configuration (as defined by settings.json), and therefore there is duplication between this test and snippet.txt. This is a price we pay so that we don't have to mutate the server during testing. -- flags -- -ignore_extra_diags -- settings.json -- { "usePlaceholders": true } -- go.mod -- module -- snippet.go -- package snippets // Pre-set this marker, as we don't have a "source" for it in this package. /* Error() */ //@item(Error, "Error", "func() string", "method") type AliasType = int //@item(sigAliasType, "AliasType", "AliasType", "type") func foo(i int, b bool) {} //@item(snipFoo, "foo", "func(i int, b bool)", "func") func bar(fn func()) func() {} //@item(snipBar, "bar", "func(fn func())", "func") func baz(at AliasType, b bool) {} //@item(snipBaz, "baz", "func(at AliasType, b bool)", "func") type Foo struct { Bar int //@item(snipFieldBar, "Bar", "int", "field") Func func(at AliasType) error //@item(snipFieldFunc, "Func", "func(at AliasType) error", "field") } func (Foo) Baz() func() {} //@item(snipMethodBaz, "Baz", "func() func()", "method") func (Foo) BazBar() func() {} //@item(snipMethodBazBar, "BazBar", "func() func()", "method") func (Foo) BazBaz(at AliasType) func() {} //@item(snipMethodBazBaz, "BazBaz", "func(at AliasType) func()", "method") func _() { f //@snippet(" //", snipFoo, "foo(${1:i int}, ${2:b bool})") bar //@snippet(" //", snipBar, "bar(${1:fn func()})") baz //@snippet(" //", snipBaz, "baz(${1:at AliasType}, ${2:b bool})") baz() //@signature("(", "baz(at AliasType, b bool)", 0) bar(nil) //@snippet("(", snipBar, "bar") bar(ba) //@snippet(")", snipBar, "bar(${1:fn func()})") var f Foo bar(f.Ba) //@snippet(")", snipMethodBaz, "Baz()") (bar)(nil) //@snippet(")", snipBar, "bar(${1:fn func()})") (f.Ba)() //@snippet(")", snipMethodBaz, "Baz()") Foo{ B //@snippet(" //", snipFieldBar, "Bar: ${1:int},") } Foo{ F //@snippet(" //", snipFieldFunc, "Func: ${1:func(at AliasType) error},") } Foo{B} //@snippet("}", snipFieldBar, "Bar: ${1:int}") Foo{} //@snippet("}", snipFieldBar, "Bar: ${1:int}") Foo{Foo{}.B} //@snippet("} ", snipFieldBar, "Bar") var err error err.Error() //@snippet("E", Error, "Error()") f.Baz() //@snippet("B", snipMethodBaz, "Baz()") f.Baz() //@snippet("(", snipMethodBazBar, "BazBar") f.Baz() //@snippet("B", snipMethodBazBaz, "BazBaz(${1:at AliasType})") } func _() { type bar struct { a int b float64 //@item(snipBarB, "b", "field") } bar{b} //@snippet("}", snipBarB, "b: ${1:float64}") }