This test executes definition requests over doc links. -- go.mod -- module go 1.19 -- path/path.go -- package path func Join() //@loc(Join, "Join") -- a.go -- package p import "strconv" //@loc(strconv, `"strconv"`) import pathpkg "" const NumberBase = 10 //@loc(NumberBase, "NumberBase") // [Conv] converts s to an int. //@def("Conv", Conv) func Conv(s string) int { //@loc(Conv, "Conv") // [strconv.ParseInt] parses s and returns the integer corresponding to it. //@def("strconv", strconv) // [NumberBase] is the base to use for number parsing. //@def("NumberBase", NumberBase) i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s, NumberBase, 64) return int(i) } // The declared and imported names of the package both work: // [path.Join] //@ def("Join", Join) // [pathpkg.Join] //@ def("Join", Join) func _() { pathpkg.Join() }