This test demonstrates diagnostics for various forms of file exclusion. Note: this test used to also check the errors when a file was excluded due to an inactive module, or mismatching GOOS/GOARCH, comment, but with zero-config gopls (golang/go#57979) and improved build tag support (golang/go#29202), we no longer get these errors. -- -- go 1.21 use ( ./a ) -- a/go.mod -- module go 1.18 -- a/a.go -- package a -- a/a_plan9.go -- package a // Not excluded, due to improved build tag support. -- a/a_ignored.go -- //go:build skip package a //@diag(re"package (a)", re"excluded due to its build tags") -- b/go.mod -- module go 1.18 -- b/b.go -- package b // Not excluded, due to zero-config gopls.