This test verifies that we add an [os,arch] suffix to each diagnostic that doesn't appear in the default build (=runtime.{GOOS,GOARCH}). See golang/go#65496. The two p/*.go files below are written to trigger the same diagnostic (range, message, source, etc) but varying only by URI. In the q test, a single location in the common code q.go has two diagnostics, one of which is tagged. This test would fail on openbsd/mips64 because it will be the same as the default build, so we skip that platform. -- flags -- -skip_goos=openbsd -- go.mod -- module -- p/p.go -- package p var _ fmt.Stringer //@diag("fmt", re"unde.*: fmt$") -- p/p_openbsd_mips64.go -- package p var _ fmt.Stringer //@diag("fmt", re"unde.*: fmt \\[openbsd,mips64\\]") -- q/q_default.go -- //+build !openbsd && !mips64 package q func f(int) int -- q/q_openbsd_mips64.go -- package q func f(string) int -- q/q.go -- package q var _ = f() //@ diag(")", re`.*want \(string\) \[openbsd,mips64\]`), diag(")", re`.*want \(int\)$`)