This test checks hovering over constants. -- go.mod -- module go 1.17 -- c.go -- package c import ( "math" "time" ) const X = 0 //@hover("X", "X", bX) // dur is a constant of type time.Duration. const dur = 15*time.Minute + 10*time.Second + 350*time.Millisecond //@hover("dur", "dur", dur) // MaxFloat32 is used in another package. const MaxFloat32 = 0x1p127 * (1 + (1 - 0x1p-23)) // Numbers. func _() { const hex, bin = 0xe34e, 0b1001001 const ( // no inline comment decimal = 153 numberWithUnderscore int64 = 10_000_000_000 octal = 0o777 expr = 2 << (0b111&0b101 - 2) boolean = (55 - 3) == (26 * 2) ) _ = decimal //@hover("decimal", "decimal", decimalConst) _ = hex //@hover("hex", "hex", hexConst) _ = bin //@hover("bin", "bin", binConst) _ = numberWithUnderscore //@hover("numberWithUnderscore", "numberWithUnderscore", numberWithUnderscoreConst) _ = octal //@hover("octal", "octal", octalConst) _ = expr //@hover("expr", "expr", exprConst) _ = boolean //@hover("boolean", "boolean", boolConst) const ln10 = 2.30258509299404568401799145468436420760110148862877297603332790 _ = ln10 //@hover("ln10", "ln10", ln10Const) } // Iota. func _() { const ( a = 1 << iota b ) _ = a //@hover("a", "a", aIota) _ = b //@hover("b", "b", bIota) } // Strings. func _() { const ( str = "hello" + " " + "world" longStr = `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eget ipsum non nunc molestie mattis id quis augue. Mauris dictum tincidunt ipsum, in auctor arcu congue eu. Morbi hendrerit fringilla libero commodo varius. Vestibulum in enim rutrum, rutrum tellus aliquet, luctus enim. Nunc sem ex, consectetur id porta nec, placerat vel urna.` ) _ = str //@hover("str", "str", strConst) _ = longStr //@hover("longStr", "longStr", longStrConst) } // Constants from other packages. func _() { _ = math.Log2E //@hover("Log2E", "Log2E", log2eConst) } -- @bX -- ```go const X untyped int = 0 ``` @hover("X", "X", bX) [`c.X` on]( -- @dur -- ```go const dur time.Duration = 15*time.Minute + 10*time.Second + 350*time.Millisecond // 15m10.35s ``` dur is a constant of type time.Duration. -- @decimalConst -- ```go const decimal untyped int = 153 ``` no inline comment -- @hexConst -- ```go const hex untyped int = 0xe34e // 58190 ``` -- @binConst -- ```go const bin untyped int = 0b1001001 // 73 ``` -- @numberWithUnderscoreConst -- ```go const numberWithUnderscore int64 = 10_000_000_000 // 10000000000 ``` -- @octalConst -- ```go const octal untyped int = 0o777 // 511 ``` -- @exprConst -- ```go const expr untyped int = 2 << (0b111&0b101 - 2) // 16 ``` -- @boolConst -- ```go const boolean untyped bool = (55 - 3) == (26 * 2) // true ``` -- @ln10Const -- ```go const ln10 untyped float = 2.30258509299404568401799145468436420760110148862877297603332790 // 2.30259 ``` -- @aIota -- ```go const a untyped int = 1 << iota // 1 ``` -- @bIota -- ```go const b untyped int = 2 ``` -- @strConst -- ```go const str untyped string = "hello world" ``` -- @longStrConst -- ```go const longStr untyped string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur e... ``` -- @log2eConst -- ```go const math.Log2E untyped float = 1 / Ln2 // 1.4427 ``` Mathematical constants. [`math.Log2E` on](