This file contains tests for documentation links to generic code in hover.

-- go.mod --

go 1.19

-- a.go --
package a

import ""

func _() {
	// Hovering over instantiated object should produce accurate type
	// information, but link to the generic declarations.

	var x generic.GT[int] //@hover("GT", "GT", xGT)
	_ = x.F //@hover("x", "x", x),hover("F", "F", xF)

	f := generic.GF[int] //@hover("GF", "GF", fGF)
	_ = f //@hover("f", "f", f)

-- generic/generic.go --
package generic

// Hovering over type parameters should link to documentation.
// TODO(rfindley): should it? We should probably link to the type.
type GT[P any] struct{ //@hover("GT", "GT", GT),hover("P", "P", GTP)
	F P //@hover("F", "F", F),hover("P", "P", FP)

func (GT[P]) M(p P) { //@hover("GT", "GT", GTrecv),hover("M","M", M),hover(re"p (P)", re"p (P)", pP)

func GF[P any] (p P) { //@hover("GF", "GF", GF)

-- @F --
field F P

@hover("F", "F", F),hover("P", "P", FP)

[`(generic.GT).F` on](
-- @FP --
type parameter P any
-- @GF --
func GF[P any](p P)

[`generic.GF` on](
-- @GT --
type GT[P any] struct {
	F P //@hover("F", "F", F),hover("P", "P", FP)

Hovering over type parameters should link to documentation.

TODO(rfindley): should it? We should probably link to the type.

func (GT[P]) M(p P)

[`generic.GT` on](
-- @GTP --
type parameter P any
-- @GTrecv --
type GT[P any] struct {
	F P //@hover("F", "F", F),hover("P", "P", FP)

Hovering over type parameters should link to documentation.

TODO(rfindley): should it? We should probably link to the type.

func (GT[P]) M(p P)

[`generic.GT` on](
-- @M --
func (GT[P]) M(p P)

[`(generic.GT).M` on](
-- @f --
var f func(p int)
-- @fGF --
func generic.GF(p int) // func[P any](p P)

[`generic.GF` on](
-- @pP --
type parameter P any
-- @x --
var x generic.GT[int]

@hover("GT", "GT", xGT)
-- @xF --
field F int

@hover("F", "F", F),hover("P", "P", FP)

[`(generic.GT).F` on](
-- @xGT --
type GT[P any] struct {
	F P //@hover("F", "F", F),hover("P", "P", FP)

Hovering over type parameters should link to documentation.

TODO(rfindley): should it? We should probably link to the type.

func (generic.GT[P]) M(p P)

[`generic.GT` on](