This test verifies that the named receiver is generated. -- p.go -- package p type A struct{} func (aa *A) M1() { panic("unimplemented") } type I interface { M1() M2(aa string) M3(bb string) M4() (aa string) } var _ I = &A{} //@quickfix(re"&A..", re"missing method M", stub) -- @stub/p.go -- @@ -5 +5,15 @@ +// M2 implements I. +func (*A) M2(aa string) { + panic("unimplemented") +} + +// M3 implements I. +func (aa *A) M3(bb string) { + panic("unimplemented") +} + +// M4 implements I. +func (*A) M4() (aa string) { + panic("unimplemented") +} +