Test of references applied to concrete and interface types that are related by assignability. The result includes references to both. -- go.mod -- module example.com go 1.12 -- a/a.go -- package a type first interface { common() //@loc(firCommon, "common"), refs("common", firCommon, xCommon, zCommon) firstMethod() //@loc(firMethod, "firstMethod"), refs("firstMethod", firMethod, xfMethod, zfMethod) } type second interface { common() //@loc(secCommon, "common"), refs("common", secCommon, yCommon, zCommon) secondMethod() //@loc(secMethod, "secondMethod"), refs("secondMethod", secMethod, ysMethod, zsMethod) } type s struct {} func (*s) common() {} //@loc(sCommon, "common"), refs("common", sCommon, xCommon, yCommon, zCommon) func (*s) firstMethod() {} //@loc(sfMethod, "firstMethod"), refs("firstMethod", sfMethod, xfMethod, zfMethod) func (*s) secondMethod() {} //@loc(ssMethod, "secondMethod"), refs("secondMethod", ssMethod, ysMethod, zsMethod) func main() { var x first = &s{} var y second = &s{} x.common() //@loc(xCommon, "common"), refs("common", firCommon, xCommon, zCommon) x.firstMethod() //@loc(xfMethod, "firstMethod"), refs("firstMethod", firMethod, xfMethod, zfMethod) y.common() //@loc(yCommon, "common"), refs("common", secCommon, yCommon, zCommon) y.secondMethod() //@loc(ysMethod, "secondMethod"), refs("secondMethod", secMethod, ysMethod, zsMethod) var z *s = &s{} z.firstMethod() //@loc(zfMethod, "firstMethod"), refs("firstMethod", sfMethod, xfMethod, zfMethod) z.secondMethod() //@loc(zsMethod, "secondMethod"), refs("secondMethod", ssMethod, ysMethod, zsMethod) z.common() //@loc(zCommon, "common"), refs("common", sCommon, xCommon, yCommon, zCommon) }