Test of references between the extra files of a test variant and the regular package. -- go.mod -- module example.com go 1.12 -- a/a.go -- package a func fn() {} //@loc(def, "fn"), refs("fn", def, use) type t struct { g int } //@loc(gdef, "g") type u struct { t } var _ = new(u).g //@loc(gref, "g"), refs("g", gdef, gref) // TODO(adonovan): fix: gref2 and gdef2 are missing. -- a/a_test.go -- package a func _() { fn() //@loc(use, "fn") _ = new(u).g //@loc(gref2, "g"), refs("g", gdef2, gref, gref2) } // This declaration changes the meaning of u.t in the test. func (u) g() {} //@loc(gdef2, "g")