cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project(kodi-addons-bootstrap) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}) # make sure CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is properly set if(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT OR NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../addons") endif() list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) # figure out where the build directory is located if(NOT BUILD_DIR) set(BUILD_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/build") else() file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${BUILD_DIR}" BUILD_DIR) endif() get_filename_component(BUILD_DIR "${BUILD_DIR}" ABSOLUTE) # make sure that the repositories to build have been specified if(NOT REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD) set(REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD_DEFAULT ON) set(REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD "all") set(REPOSITORY_REVISION "") message(STATUS "Bootstrapping all repositories") else() set(REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD_DEFAULT OFF) message(STATUS "Bootstrapping following repository: ${REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD}") endif() # figure out which addons to bootstrap (defaults to all) if(NOT ADDONS_TO_BUILD) set(ADDONS_TO_BUILD "all") message(STATUS "Bootstrapping all addons") else() message(STATUS "Bootstrapping following addons: ${ADDONS_TO_BUILD}") endif() include(ExternalProject) function(bootstrap_repo repo_id repo_url repo_revision) message(STATUS "Bootstrapping addons from ${repo_id} (${repo_url} ${repo_revision})...") externalproject_add(${repo_id} GIT_REPOSITORY ${repo_url} GIT_TAG ${repo_revision} PREFIX ${BUILD_DIR}/${repo_id} CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} -DPROJECT_SOURCE_DIR= -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Bootstrap.cmake ) endfunction() # look for all addons repository definitions set(REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD_FOUND OFF) file(GLOB repos repositories/*.txt) foreach(repo ${repos}) file(STRINGS ${repo} repo_definition) string(REPLACE " " ";" repo_definition ${repo_definition}) list(GET repo_definition 0 repo_id) list(FIND REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD ${repo_id} idx) if(idx GREATER -1 OR REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD STREQUAL "all") set(REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD_FOUND ON) # get the URL of the repository list(GET repo_definition 1 repo_url) # get the revision of the repository if not provided as an argument if(NOT REPOSITORY_REVISION) list(GET repo_definition 2 repo_revision) else() set(repo_revision "${REPOSITORY_REVISION}") endif() bootstrap_repo(${repo_id} ${repo_url} ${repo_revision}) endif() endforeach() # if we have been asked to bootstrap a specific repository (not the default one) and # it couldn't be found in the predefined repository definitions we assume that it's a # URL to a specific repository if(NOT REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD_DEFAULT AND NOT REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD_FOUND) # default to the master branch if no revision has been provided if(NOT REPOSITORY_REVISION) set(REPOSITORY_REVISION "master") endif() bootstrap_repo(binary-addons-custom ${REPOSITORY_TO_BUILD} ${REPOSITORY_REVISION}) endif()